Saturday, June 2, 2007

Cincy Post Slams Mitch McConnell For Disloyalty To Kentucky Republicans

The editorial board at the Cincinnati Post issued a strong rebuke to Mitch McConnell this morning as it appears Larry Forgy is gearing up to defeat McConnell in the Republican primary:
A few short weeks ago, McConnell would clam up and offer a terse "no
comment'' at the mention of Fletcher's name. But at the rally last Saturday,
McConnell declared that he'd "never met a finer man'' than his fellow

What's more, McConnell proclaimed himself proud of Fletcher, First Lady
Glenna Fletcher and "the image they present for our state.''

Oh, really? You certainly could have fooled anyone who has watched
McConnell flick away questions about Fletcher's legal problems and
re-electability as if they were bird droppings landing with an unpleasant
Simply appearing at a "unity rally" is not going to save Mitch McConnell. Not when he is the reason for the Party's splinter. Not after he failed to listen to the wisdom of Larry Forgy, who told him not to stab Governor Fletcher in the back. Not after he ordered his fellow Louisville liberals Anne Northup and Ted Jackson to stay home or go fishing, so the Governor's chances would suffer while he tried to save face for his 2008 Senate primary.