Sunday, June 10, 2007

Governor's Race Turning Into "Tour de Forgy"

The Courier-Journal's political columnist Al Cross wrote Sunday that observers are noting that the 2007 election is turning into a revival of Larry Forgy's political career. It appears the architect of Governor Fletcher's comeback is not touring the state in preparation for a 2008 US Senate challenge to Mitch McConnell. Of course, there would be no need for a comeback if it weren't for the actions of Benedict McConnell and his Louisville liberal cronies. However, the straight talk of a true conservative is back in the Commonwealth:

Monday night, an even more outspoken Fletcher supporter tried to get the
campaign back on message. KET's "Kentucky Tonight" invited Larry Forgy, the GOP gubernatorial nominee 12 years ago, to fill a Republican seat on a political panel that included Democrat Brereton Jones, governor in 1991-95.

As one Capitol wag said, it was a "tour de Forgy," as he resurrected
the plainspoken, populist, moralistic rhetoric of his 1991 and 1995 campaigns
and dominated the show (which you can video-stream at He sparred wittily with Jones and callers, and blamed Beshear for taking "the Ten Commandments off the school walls" as attorney general, when Beshear simply told officials they had to obey the U.S. Supreme Court.

Forgy's emphasis was on Beshear's support for a constitutional amendment to allow casinos. "It hurts the little people and helps the rich people," he said, predicting that a casino bill would lead a corruptible legislature to allow "slot machines in every convenience store and truck stop in this state."